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We are a modeling site that believes that everyone deserves a shot at their dreams without having to pay money to do it. Almost all of the major Modeling websites will let you join for free, but then, in order to receive the full benefits of the website or to be promoted, you must pay to become a silver, gold or platinum membership. Potential employers must pay to contact you. We don't believe that is fair. Why should you pay someone that is not going to actively promote you or find you work?!?  We don't offer different levels of membership. We are free for the models and free for the employers to contact you. So, how will we make money? Easy. We hope to become popular enough that other websites and scouting firms will want to link to our page and/or advertise on our page. We will charge for that and that is how we will make our money. We can't do it without you, so we are excited to have you on our team!! Our hope is with your success. 



We promise, that we will never post or sell your personal contact info. Our priority is your safety. Let's face it. The internet is not always the safest place. All of your contact info is NOT stored on our website. It is stored in an external drive not associated with our main computer. This means, it can NOT be hacked into and stolen. We do NOT allow employers to contact you directly. In order for an employer to reach you, they must send all of their info to us directly. We do a triple verification of their credentials. This includes inspection of their website, an email verification and a phone call interview. Once established that they are a legitimate company or person, then we will forward THEIR contact info and job proposal to you. You will decide whether to contact them or not. They are never allowed your personal contact info or allowed to contact you directly. This is for your safety and we take it seriously.

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